Fabric hanger Aqua, Birdie, Catzy
Fabric hanger Aqua, Birdie, Catzy
Fabric hanger with Aqua, Birdie and Catzy patterns.
The fabric hanger consists of a pattern report of each pattern and color variant in the upholstery velvet quality, as well as print samples of the pattern in two additional upholstery fabrics: Linoso and Polywool.
The fabric hanger can be purchased separately to complement previous purchases, but to receive a 30% purchase discount on fabrics from Nadja Wedin design, you must have at least seven hangers in your assortment.
Currently there are a total of 14 hangers with a total of 19 designs by Nadja Wedin. Some of the hangers thus contain different patterns because these only have one or a maximum of two color variants. In total, all 14 hangers provide 19 patterns in 66 different colors.
When buying seven hangers, you get a 20% discount on the price of the hangers.
When buying all 14 hangers, you get a 30% discount on the price of the hangers.
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