
The furniture fair

Three days into Formex, Lars came happily and told me that we had got a small stand at the furniture fair, Stockholm Furniture & Lightning Fair, and the feeling when you are just about to finish a fair, you know it is lots of work to put together our entire stand and then find out that in two weeks it's on again. I can honestly say that I wasn't exactly jumping for joy. But but, we've been wanting to exhibit there for a while now that we've got some spin on our upholstery fabrics, so I realized it was a good idea.

This time we had a small stand 3×3 compared to our 3×9 m we usually have at Formex. Lars had done some fine preparatory work in photoshop so that building the stand was not as difficult as it otherwise is. We pretty much just showed our fabrics and furniture upholstered in them, some pillows and a couple of tray tables. Yes, you can see in the pictures that it was unusually stripped down and clean than it usually is when we exhibit. Here you can find my fabrics!
Unfortunately, I missed a few days when our daughter had a fever for six days, I can't remember the last time she was so miserable. Lucky in these situations that I have the world's best big sister who could pull in two of the days and then I also have the nicest son who could take her to work one day. So it worked out so well that I was able to join the last few days.

What is actually a bit more inspiring about the furniture fair compared to Formex is that it is not focused on orders, it is more of a fair where you make contacts and often with foreign customers. And that means you don't feel the same stress, but can focus more on building relationships. They were a completely different energy everywhere, and there were some really interesting foreign companies showing interest in my products. So now we'll follow up on some threads and then keep our fingers crossed that we might finally take that step outside of Sweden. Glad that Lars is so driven and made sure we came to this fair anyway.

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